7 Best Tips For Writing A Descriptive Essay Example

Are you looking to learn how to write a fantastic descriptive essay? If yes, then you’re at the right location. What is the best way to know this? We’ll let you know soon.

Enjoy 7 Fantastic Tips to Write Compelling Descriptive Essay Examples

Writing a descriptive essay requires a little creativity. The more creative you are, the more imaginative your essay compositions will be. So, take the time to read all the essays you can. You’ll begin to see the patterns they use. Study these patterns, and then write your essay with success. Examples.

Use vivid language to define the scene in complete detail, using as many sensory details as possible. Avoid using cliches, and excessively used metaphors or similes, which are annoying and boring. Instead, attempt to find innovative ways to describe things using the senses to create an accurate picture for the reader’s brain (e.g., “The wind whipped through my hair as I stood on the edge of the cliff”).

For instance, instead of “The sky was blue,” you could write “The sky was a brilliant shade of azure.” Instead of writing “The fire was hot,” you could say, “The flames licked the logs, turning them red and orange.”

  1. Avoid using similes and metaphors too often.

Although they can be extremely efficient when used sparingly, they can get repetitive if you depend on them for too long (e.g., “I ran like a cheetah”).

Avoid using at most one sentence and ensure that they’re a good fit in the overall narrative without becoming distracting from it (e.g., “The wind whipped through my hair like a lion’s mane”).

There is no requirement that every sentence in the essay must be literal. The best guideline is it is possible to explain something without using characters of speech and then do it. For instance:

If you’re trying to discuss the love someone has for their pet, they shouldn’t tell them, “He loved his dog more than anything else in the world.” Instead, add, “He loved his dog.”

If you’re looking to describe how stunning the painting is, don’t just say, “It was as beautiful as a sunset over the ocean.” You should write down the way it appeared: “It was an oil painting of a sunset over the ocean.”

Make use of concrete descriptions instead of abstract ones.

One of the most common mistakes students commit when creating descriptive essays is using abstract phrases and words instead of concrete words. For example, instead of writing “I went to the store,” write “I walked down the street until I reached the local grocery store.” Instead of writing “I was afraid,” write “My heart started beating rapidly as I realized something was wrong.” If you want readers to comprehend what you’re writing about, use specific language.

For example, instead of using the phrase “I felt angry,” use the phrase “My hands turned red and my face burned with anger.” (e.g., “the room was big” instead of “the room was spacious”)

If, for instance, you’re writing an essay about your favourite book, you could say, “My favorite book is The Great Gatsby.” This is more persuasive than saying, “My favorite book is a classic novel.”

Include sensory information in your description.

One of the most effective ways to establish the mood for your readers is by adding sensory details to your description. The more sensory details in your description, the more vivid and vivid it will appear to them. That means they’ll be able to imagine what you’re saying easier! For instance:

“The sun was shining brightly against the blue sky as I walked along the beachfront path.” In contrast to. “I walked along the beachfront path on a sunny day.”

Be sure that everything you include in your examples is clear and logical.

When it is read aloud to your family or friend (because this is how most people read it), you may also reach out to professionals who write for various schools of education. They can assist you as well. The most important thing to remember is to ensure everything in the document is not unsuitable or irrelevant. If you’ve got a list of descriptions and ideas, Ensure they all work together to form an overall structure. The best method to accomplish this is to go through your work with an objective eye.

Use strong verbs, not just adjectives.

Another important point is not to use too many adjectives. Instead, use verbs to express what you hear, see and taste.

They are words active that convey the world around us. Adjectives are descriptions that do not display the action but describe things. We observe things in the world around our lives (such for instance “red roses” or “blue mountains”).

Therefore, if you wish to convey a clear image using your words, use more verbs than adjectives to describe the things you see or encounter.

Be specific

If there’s one point of advice we’re willing to give when writing a descriptive essay, it’s that you Be specific.

The more precise you can be when you describe something or someone else and the more specific your description will be. For instance, if you’re discussing how someone appears and dresses, don’t simply write “he was wearing a suit.” Instead, write, “he was wearing a navy-blue suit with gold buttons and a matching tie.”

The more specific information you add in your essay, the more vibrant your writing will appear for your readers, and the easier it is for them to envision precisely who or what it is you’re writing about.


We’ve collected the top descriptive essay examples to give you ideas structure, structure, and writing abilities. These tips for writing essays on descriptive writing will show you write efficient, high-quality, risk-free, and impressive essays on short stories, reportage, essays, or essays.

Although this list of tricks and guidelines doesn’t provide every possible scenario, it will cover the majority of scenarios and can assist you in avoiding the most common mistakes. In no time, you will receive only appreciation from your teacher, and you’ll be on the way to earning an excellent score! Good Luck!

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