How to Become a Copywriter?

In this tutorial, I will show you step-by-step the steps to becoming a professional copywriter and making six figures in the next calendar year.

I’ve been working as a freelance copywriter since 2013. I began full-time work in 2016 and made around $80k. I earned $130k the next year and $220k in 2018.

I’m not the greatest, nor am I the most clever. I’ve known copywriters who made six figures within their first year and reached well over $300k by the time they reached year three.

However, unlike most people who are successful for some reason or other, I clearly understand why I was able to achieve my targets and grow my business. In this article, you’re not only going to find out how I became a six-figure copywriter. You will also learn that it is possible that you can be one too.

  • Copywriting is among those rare skills that are equally accessible and profitable.
  • Companies are hiring copywriters as fast as they can.
  • Copywriters with a good writing style can easily earn six figures.
  • Today, the majority of copywriters work remotely.
  • Copywriters do not require formal education or training.

What Is A Copywriter?

  • Copywriters write messages for an organization or business to promote or sell an item, service, or brand.
  • If you are reading the pages of a book, you are reading the works of one writer.
  • You are a copywriter if you read any written content from a corporation, business, or brand. Copywriter.
  • Many people confuse the term “copywriter” as being connected to “copyright,” but they aren’t connected in any manner.
  • Copyrights are legally binding word that means intellectual property.
  • A copywriter develops written messages for a brand, company, or organization.

Copywriters create content (called ‘copy’) to advertise a particular company or product or advise others about a specific area of study.

Although skilled Copywriters can be all over the place, They usually work in marketing, advertising, PR, and PR. They write everything from emails, press releases, and articles to brochures, as well as product descriptions and other types of web, TV, and print ads.

They also edit and proofread copies to ensure no grammar or spelling mistakes.

The general duties of a copywriter are:

  • Inventing innovative thoughts and strategies that are compatible with the requirements.
  • Researching products/services/topics and understanding their target audience
  • Copywriting that is compelling, engaging, and enjoyable to read
  • Offering and creating a variety of content choices
  • Make sure that all content is on the brand.’
  • The effectivity of copy across various platforms
  • Utilizing stakeholder feedback to make any changes that are required

How do you get started as a copywriter?

There are a variety of ways to become an effective copywriter. While this is good news for those, who want flexibility, this lack of clarity may be difficult for those who like structure.

You might have to create your path in this field. If you’ve got the perseverance to figure out your path to success, you’ll find the job that lets you utilize words to help bring things about.

1: Know the terrain

In the last decade, there has been an increase in content on the internet, which has created an unimaginable demand for copywriters. This is largely due to the need to optimize search engines (SEO).

A well-written and informative copy on corporate websites will give potential customers confidence to purchase services and assist businesses in drawing visitors to their websites in the first place since it guarantees that their website will rank higher in Google’s search rankings.

Internet marketing is a rapidly-changing industry, and those who are aware of the most recent developments on SEO, digital media, and other types that are digitally based will gain an advantage. Look at sites like,, and to learn more about content creation’s role in online marketing.

2: ind out which type of copywriter you’d like to become

Before Google, the term “copywriter” was a way of composing TV commercials for an advertising agency and creating direct mail campaigns, brochures, press releases, or other forms of business literature.

These jobs are still in existence; however, there is a higher demand for SEO editors, web editors, copywriters, content managers, and other roles related to online content. You must know the requirements relevant to the position you’re applying for and then improve your skills to meet the requirements.

3: Have realistic expectations

Mad Men, it isn’t. You’ll likely be required to create large quantities of content fast, precisely, and likely for a low salary, especially when you’re just beginning your journey.

Employing an editorial mill or websites for hiring, like, can be a great way to build a portfolio, particularly when you’ve never had your work published on the internet before. Your blog could be an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents.

4:Do your research on the company (and the individual) that you’re applying for

Most of my inquiries about speculation have a subject line of “Dear Sir” or “To Whom It May Concern.” You can easily find my name and what I do on our site. Try Linkedin, Google, or Twitter and then call me and inquire. Making a personal connection with the executive at the firm you’d like to join is an easy way to win; however, very few applicants take the time to have the ability to do this.

5: Make use of social media to establish an acquaintance.

At a minimum, make sure you follow the business you’d like to join at a minimum on Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook. If you can establish connections with a person through social media, that is better, but do not go over the fine line between excitement from snagging. Twitter is also a fantastic location to look for new jobs for copywriters.

6: Don’t try to sell yourself too much.

In Kitchen Nightmares, one of the first things Gordon Ramsay does is cut down on the amount of food available. He recognizes that no chef can cook many dishes with ease.

When I encounter a person who claims to be a marketer, copywriter, social media expert, Google expert, and telesales wizard but seeking a job straight out of university, I assume that they won’t be an expert in any one of these areas. Make sure to focus your resume on the abilities and experience employers seek.

7: Make sure you don’t make grammar or spelling errors.

If you’re applying for a job as a copywriter, be sure that you’ve examined your application for grammar errors and typos. You should read it aloud and ask someone else to go through it before submitting your application. You can learn the grammar guidelines for CVs here.

8: Prepare yourself to write an essay for a test.

We frequently ask applicants to write a sample work to show their abilities. Speed and reliability are as crucial as writing skills. We see the test essay as a helpful way to gauge their commitment and ability to meet deadlines. Don’t get upset when a business asks you to write a piece for no cost – it’s a common practice in the right context.

9: Specialize

Many copywriters want to be able to cover “fun stuff” like music, films, fashion, travel, and food. Fewer copywriters have experience and knowledge in telecoms, insurance, finance, and law. By focusing on these fields, you can create new opportunities for yourself.

10: Don’t give up

I receive numerous applications from fresh copywriters, and my default answer is to state that there are no jobs available. But keep in mind that this isn’t an all-in-one deal. Even if you aren’t hired in the first round, you may be the perfect candidate soon. People who follow up don’t go by unnoticed.

What are the reasons for knowing how to become an author?

The answer to this question is relatively straightforward.

Brand goals are to get people to buy things, and persuasive content is the best method to make it happen.

Even if it’s as easy as creating an Instagram caption, The more convincing your post, the better off you’ll be over the long haul.

Learning the basics of copywriting is helpful to freelance writers, too. Many location Rebel Members want to master copywriting to improve their writing. Learning about copywriting and how to be persuasive using your words pays back in the long run, regardless of the kind or type of content you create.

You can apply your copywriting abilities to any writing project, from emails to the client, tweets, and blog posts. The more convincing and effective a writer you are, the more opportunities you’re likely to be able to use to pursue your writing job.

Is copywriting the right choice the way for you?

Many writers become enticed by the appeal of copywriting. It’s often considered the most lucrative type of freelance writing, which is why there’s bound to be a need.

However, the truth is that most people aren’t designed to be in this field.

It’s not as easy as simply being able to write in big words. You must know how to pitch your ideas. You have to comprehend the desires and requirements of a particular audience and then educate your audience on the benefits they’ll receive from the decision you’re looking for.

Are you unsure if this is the best option for you? There are three essential factors that every copywriter should be able to do to stand an opportunity of being successful. Check this out, and in the end, you’ll know whether it’s worth the effort about where you’re.

How Much Do Copywriters Make?

The salary of a copywriter varies based on many variables, including whether you work part-time or full-time, where you live as well as your experience and area of specialization or specific area of expertise.

After taking everything into account, In the end, you must decide what your goals for income are. Once you have a plan you are thinking about, you can take the necessary steps.

Average salaries for copywriters are based on information taken from

  • Copywriter (annual) – $48,425 to $60,366
  • Freelancer Copywriter (annual) – $43,685 to $66,436
  • Copywriter, Freelancer, and copywriter (hourly) between $21 and $32

Be aware that these figures are based on the averages of other professionals and may be higher. Learn more about how much copywriters earn to decide whether this is the best job for you.

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